Vasilikon 1888


Vasilikon is 15′ from the Kalamata Airport and 10′ from the sea. 

A wide network of pedestrian streets and squares around it 

embraces the historical and commercial center of Kalamata, 

offering countless options for shopping, culture, entertainment.


Within walking distance are the Archaeological Museum, the Castle, 

the Cathedral of Hypapante (Candlemas), the Costume Collection “V. Karelia”,

the Central Market, the beautiful Monastery of Nuns, the War Museum, 

the Kalamata Dance Megaron and a multitude of shops & cafes-restaurants-bars.


Further south, it is worth taking a walk in the Municipal Railway Park

while the beach overlooking Taygetos mountain is a great asset for the city, 

as is the Marina Area: both are full of life in the summer,

while winter is always calmer and more rarefied…